Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day in 5th Grade

It’s vital that we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 5th Grade.

We may not be in school physically that day, but our students need to understand how Dr. King influenced our nation.

Dr. King was arguably the most important leader of the Civil Rights Movement.

Martin Luther King, Jr. lessons

Idea #1: Listen To & Read the Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Listening to, reading, and studying Dr. King’s words is a relevant way to include primary sources in your classroom.

I recommend using short excerpts and quotes because our 5th graders may not be able to grasp entire passages or speeches.

I’d love to share 3 free Google Slide journal prompts with Dr. King quotes.

Teach About Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Idea #2: Teach About Martin Luther King, Jr. Using Slides, Text, & a Layer Book

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s example of nonviolent resistance and peaceful protest inspires us today!

Actively engage your students in learning about and celebrating Dr. King’s message and contributions with Google Slides, a Layer Book, and Informational Text.

Easy Steps for Using this Resource:

Step 1: Display and discuss the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. slides with your students. Give special attention to the primary source photographs and quotes on the slides.

Step 2: Read the informational text with your students and allow them to read the text a second time with a partner.

Step 3: Allow students to assemble their layer books and answer the questions.

Check out the Martin Luther King, Jr. Resource HERE!

Martin Luther King, Jr. Upstander Lessons

Idea #3: Encourage UPstander Behaviors

Dr. King was the ultimate UPstander.

UPstanders speak up and take action.

UPstander behavior is the opposite of bystander behavior. Bystanders watch something happen, and even though they may feel that it’s wrong, they never speak up or take action.

We need more UPstanders, wouldn’t you agree!?!

Learn more about teaching UPstander behavior here!

Come join the fun! The Thrive in Grade Five weekly email club provides 5th grade social studies tips, resources, freebies, and ideas to help you teach confidently and promote engagement!

Martin Luther King Jr Day in 5th Grade

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