If you need an easy bulletin board for social studies class, you are in luck!
This history-themed bulletin board is an impactful way to display what your students have learned so far this school year.
Grab the free resource packet here:
How to Create the Bulletin Board:
Step 1: Create a large tree with branches on your bulletin board. You can draw a tree outline freehand, cut a tree from butcher paper/construction paper, or use the included template. You’ll want to have plenty of branches on your tree.
Step 2: Print the included history quote, preferably in color, and add it to a prominent place on the bulletin board.
Step 3: Read the quote together a few times and talk about what it means. Say, “We’ve learned a lot in social studies so far this year. Our lessons have been interesting, inspiring, painful, or even surprising. On your leaf, write one thing you’ve learned that you will carry forward with you. It could be something that inspired you, surprised you, touched your emotions, or even something fascinating that you didn’t know before this year.”
Step 4: Ask students to write their statements on a scrap sheet of paper first, then share with a couple of classmates to help make improvements on grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Step 5: Provide one leaf to each student. Ask students to write their statements on their leaves using their best handwriting. Students should sign their names on their leaves and color lightly around the edges.
Looking for a print ‘n go social studies bulletin board that features quotes from multiple eras? I think you’ll LOVE this one: