5 activities for early finishers in social studies

It’s a fact of life, when you assign work or projects in social studies class, you’ll have early finishers.

What should you do with them? Let them hang out and talk?

Ummm, no, that’s just asking for classroom management nightmares.

💯 When you fail to set procedures for students, they’ll create their own procedures 100% of the time, so make sure students know what assignments they must complete and what they are able to do once finished with their required work.

As the popular colonial saying goes, “Idle (unoccupied) hands are the devil’s workshop.” So, teacher friends, let’s keep those hands (and brains) busy.

I use my must do/may do chart to help students understand what they must complete and what they may choose to do when finished with their work.

I love having the visual of a chart to keep students on track. If I see a kiddo straying, I give a gentle reminder, “Abbie, thank you for finishing your work, but is talking to Steph on the “May Do” list?

For early finishers in social studies class, a Must Do/May Do chart is a great visual for students.

Having a few early finisher activities available will make your life easier and keep students engaged even after they’ve completed their required assignments.

Just be sure to occasionally change up the early finisher options to keep students interested and provide a little variety.

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early finishing students might want to work on an independent research project

Activity #1 – Allow Students to Complete Independent Research Projects

Have you seen the power of choice in action? When students are given the opportunity to research or learn more about something they enjoy, they work soooo much harder.

I once had a student who was obsessed (in a good way) with painter Vincent van Gogh, including his Starry Night painting, chopped ear, and all.

Studying van Gogh was not even close to being in our curriculum, BUT I allowed this student to read, research, and learn more about van Gogh when he finished his work early. This was such a treat for him!

Allowing students to choose a topic about which they are passionate is valuable and a fantastic use of their extra time.

If students leaving to go to the library or logging into computers drives you nuts, just have books or printouts already available for them. You might also tell them to bring their research materials to keep in a special place so that when they have extra time or finish work early, they can engage in independent research.

Students who finish class early can read history stories.

Activity #2 – Allow Students to Read Lesser-Known History Stories

The personal stories behind famous leaders and events make history come to life.

For example, your American Revolution Unit cannot possibly be complete without sharing the story of Nancy Hart, a tough female patriot living on the Georgia frontier. She took care of business when a group of abusive British Redcoat soldiers stopped by her house.

We can orally share history stories with our students, but we can also provide stories as enrichment activities for early finishers.

Printing out History Snip-Its Stories and having them available for early finishers or even for substitute work makes my life easier and keeps my students engaged in social studies.

early finishers should complete quick, on-task activities

Activity #3: Ask Students to Complete Short, Purposeful Social Studies Activities

When you have early finishers in your social studies class, short, purposeful activities make a huge difference.

If students have only a few minutes left, use those for a purpose, don’t let those minutes go to waste!

Five minutes is the perfect amount of time to squeeze out just a little more learning!

Ask students to use what they learned during the lesson, combined with their creativity and critical thinking skills, to make connections, write Top 5 Lists, Simulated Quotes, History Headlines, and more!

I recommend these 5 Minute Social Studies Activities (Print and Digital):

Early finishers in social studies class might spend time on approved websites.

#4 – Allow Students to Explore Approved Social Studies Websites

The internet can be an amazing place for learners, but it can also be a dangerous place.

I never allow my students complete freedom online. They’ll get into trouble fast, guaranteed.

Instead, I have a list of trusted social studies websites they may explore if they finish their work early.

These are my favorite websites for students:

  • iCivics – This site offers a wide variety of games and videos for students.
When students finish early in social studies class, they can create their own activities.

Activity #5 – Allow Students to Become Activity Creators

We all know that upper elementary students can be quite creative.

Let them partner up with another early finisher and create activities for one another! They might just create something you’ll want to use with the entire class.

Activity Creation Ideas:

  • Crossword Puzzles
  • Guess the Vocabulary Word (Write a description and other students must fill in the word.)
  • Create a color code using ideas from the lesson, vocabulary words, or important concepts.

Just a secret between us… When students create review activities, their own knowledge becomes deeper, and they become more confident in what they know!

Don’t miss out on all of the upper elementary social studies fun! Join my VIP email club for free. No spam, just great ideas, resources, and tips!

When students finish social studies work early, have some activities for them.

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